0450 800 006 info@dlcivil.com.au

Effective and correctly installed drainage systems play an important role in protecting public health and maintaining a pollution-free environment. If foul water is not correctly disposed of it can pose a significant risk both to the community at large and to our environment.

Drains are underground pipes which carry foul or surface water (stormwater) 

and enter either an onsite waste water disposal system (septic tank) or a sewer which is likely to be controlled by a territorial authority (district council).

At DL Civil we can lay, alter, reconstruct, extend, repair and open up drains and associated traps and connect drains up to and away from waste water treatment stations (septic tanks).

We carry out all aspects of drainage including:

  • Laying
  • altering
  • Reconstruct
  • Extend
  • Repair

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